Special models
We offer a complete range of special models. If you still can't find the product among those described, please contact us for an offer request
Designed and tested to keep your mobile machines moving. IP69k t… >>
The heat and detergent resistant inductive sensors provide reliab… >>
The standard E2E family offers tested oil resistance on commonly… >>
The high durability stainless steel sensing face provides more th… >>
The E2FQ features a full-body fluoro plastic housing for chemical… >>
The separate amplifier inductive sensor family E2C-EDA offers hig… >>

Recommended products

You can increase your equipment operating rates by selec… >>

The most economic power supply from Omron, a part of the LITE… >>

Simple, fexible & crystal clear


Advanced inspection in a compact housing, from OMRON


Born to drive lifts

Stable, easy & affordable laser measurement sensor >>
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