
Mediu de dezvoltare OMRON pentru aplicatii SCADA

Documentatie de descarcat (in engleza):

datasheet & CX-Supervisor Product Brochure

Prescurtarea de SCADA vine din limba engleza de la "supervisory control and data acquisition" si este un tip de monitorizare si control industrial.

Aceste sisteme sunt intalnite in aproape toate domeniile industriale si amintim acum doar cateva: productie industriala, energie, petrol si gaze, tratare ape uzate, in transporturi - cai ferate si rutiere, procese HVAC, pompare, etc.

CX-Supervisor este o platforma dedicata pentru aplicatii SCADA, conceputa de OMRON, avand un design placut si o interfata intuitiva pentru aplicatiile de monitorizare si control. Aplicatiile de automatizare realizate prin intermediul acestei platforme necesita de obicei un timp scurt de programare, datorita librariilor incluse, a iconitelor si a functiilor predefinite.

Acest mediu de dezvoltare pentru aplicatiile SCADA este disponibil in doua variante: una pentru aplicatii simple ce necesita pana la maximum 500 de puncte si una pentru aplicatii mai complexe, de pana la maximum 8000 de puncte.

Alte avantaje:

  • Baze de date
  • Web server incorporat

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Mediu de dezvoltare OMRON pentru aplicatii SCADA


The Graphics Library has been significantly improved to include new ’Smart Objects’ which allow objects to include actions, animations and associated points. Make your own library of re-usable objects for your machines and use again and again. A consistent look & feel between your NS panels and CX-Supervisor is now possible as v3 includes the graphics library from CX-Designer.

Support is now added for JPEG and GIF allowing you to choose the image you wish to use and now you have the option to make part of an image transparent. Metafiles can be converted into CX-Supervisor objects and modified to suit the application or added to the graphics library complete with special animations and actions.

Integrated One Click Simulation now comes to CX-Supervisor after its popularity in CX-One. This enables your application to be tested using a simulation of the PLC without having to deploy to a runtime machine – all with a single click operation. The CX-Supervisor developer package also now includes a trial runtime, so there is no need for a USB dongle to test your application.

Web Based Remote Maintenance allows a user to remotely and securely log in to view and edit points, monitor and acknowledge alarms and logs and update the application all with a standard web browser from anywhere in the world!

Support for FINS Gateway allows you to directly access your devices using FINs Gateway 2003 (now included with CX-Supervisor) where the features of FINs Gateway better suit your communications needs. New heartbeat monitoring all of your device connections quickly informs you of problems. .NET Remote Interface allows advanced users to develop their own application and interact with your CX-Supervisor application. Plus much more including improved application analysis and performance monitor and a new 16 million colour palette control.